Earlier in the day I made some char siew from home instead of store bought. I have ground pork, char siew slices, choy sum, and some wonton individually pack in wax brown paper. Note: I like extra gravy on the ground pork.
Improvised - Pickeled Green Chillies from Kuali
300 g green chillies
1/2 cup vinegar
1 cup boiled water, cooled
1 Tb salt
5 Tb granulated sugar/castor sugar or more depending on how sweet you want the chillies to be.
Wash and drain chillies well in a plastic sieve or colander.
Cut chillies into thin round slices and put it one side for later.
Pour warm water over the sliced chillies. Drain well and place chillies on absorbent kitchen paper. Place the sliced chillies in a glass jar.
Mix vinegar, water, salt, sugar, until sugar dissolved. Pour mixture into the jar to picke the chillies. Note: the chillies will be ready the next day and refrigerate.
Every so often, I crave for Asian cuisines and this happened to be one of my favourite. Will you be sharing your recipe? Thanks
It is nothing too special about it. Just ground beef, charsiew, and veggie or add wonton. You can use charsiew gravy as well. Cooking you can add anything you like unlike baking measurement has to be exact.
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